Piotr Stępień

Senior Associate

Piotr specializes in commercial law and civil law, in particular the law of commercial companies and contract law

As an attorney-at-law, Piotr specializes in corporate law, law of commercial companies, and contract law.

In particular, he provides corporate advisory to Polish and foreign Clients and manages projects entailing the establishment, day-to-day functioning, and liquidation of companies. He also participates in company reorganization projects, such as transformations, mergers or divisions, including those involving cross-border elements and those involving the contribution of assets to family foundations or foundations in non-Polish jurisdictions.

Piotr draws up internal corporate documentation and prepares or gives opinions on agreements during the business entity’s ongoing operations. He also advises on legal aspects of actions counteracting money laundering (AML) and financing terrorism, and on intellectual property rights.

Piotr has hands-on experience in managing civil actions, both at the pre-trial stage and in court, as well as in the resolution of contractual disputes.


  • Corporate Law



  • Lazarski University, Faculty of Law and Administration (2017)
  • District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Warsaw, attorney-at-law traineeship (2020)



  • Fundacja rodzinna. Aspekty prawne i podatkowe. Komentarz [Family foundation. Legal and tax aspects. Commentary] (C.H. Beck, 2023) (co-author)



  • English