Michał Boryczka


Michał has been providing corporate advisory to Polish and foreign Clients for almost 20 years now.

An attorney-at-law, he specializes in handling day-to-day corporate services and reorganization projects for Polish and international capital groups. Michał advised on numerous transformations, divisions, and mergers, including some with cross-border aspects.

Before he joined our Law Firm, he had co-operated with a reputable Polish law firm, where he gained experience in the practices of tax law, capital markets, M&A, and company law. The insights he obtained within so many areas of the law enable his broad assessment of the case being dealt with, almost from every perspective available.

Michał also provides transaction advisory (and specializes especially in the  healthcare sector where he advised on a dozen or so M&A projects), real estate trading (including acquiring, renting, and disposing of real estate), and also manages due diligence projects (he has participated so far in several hundred such projects).

He runs training courses in company law, civil law, and broadly understood business law. Michał has (co-)authored publications on company law and corporate reorganizations.


  • Corporate Law



  • Postgraduate Study of Intellectual Property Law, Warsaw University, Faculty of Law and Administration (2013)
  • Attorney-at-law traineeships, attorney-at-law, District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Warsaw (2010)
  • Postgraduate Study of Taxes and Tax Law, Warsaw University, Faculty of Law and Administration (2007)
  • Warsaw University, Faculty of Law and Administration (2005)



  • Author of publications concerning reorganization of companies, company law, and business law, including co-authorship of the following commentaries: “Kodeks Spółek Handlowych. Łączenie, podział i przekształcenie spółek. Komentarz” [Code of Commercial Companies. Merging, dividing, and transforming companies. Commentary], Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2018; “Prawo przedsiębiorców. Komentarz” [Law of Entrepreneurs. Commentary], Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2019; “Umowa spółki z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością” [Articles of Association of a Limited Liability Company], Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2020; “Umowa spółki jawnej” [Deed of a Registered Partnership], Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2022; and “Umowa najmu lokalu handlowego” [Agreement on Rental of Commercial Premises], Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2023.



  • English