Justyna Baszczeska


Justyna renders corporate advisory services to Polish and business entities from abroad, especially from German-speaking countries.

An advocate and an LL.M. (Master of Laws), she gained her professional experience in Polish and international law offices and in one of the largest joint-stock companies in Germany. She advised Clients on matters connected with business operations at different stages of dealings carried out in Poland, taking into account e.g. the specificities of e.g. the construction industry, transport industry, and Renewable Energy Sources. Her hands-on experience covers e.g. transactions of selling and acquiring  shares in companies, establishing JVs, and participating in due diligence projects.

In 2019 she defended with honours at the Frederick William University of Bonn her master’s (LL.N.’s) thesis being a comparative law analysis concerning the liability of capital group companies. In 2019 she won a German Bundestag scholarship within the International Parliamentary Scholarship (Internationales Parlaments-Stipendium).

Justyna is thoroughly familiar with working with private individuals and managing lawsuits. She is eager to represent Clients before courts and administrative authorities.


  • Corporate Law
  • German Desk



  • Faculty of Law and Administration, Warsaw University
  • Faculty of Law, Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn (Erasmus programme)
  • School of German Law, Warsaw University
  • Faculty of Law and State Sciences, the Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn



  • German Bundestag’s International Parliamentary Scholarship (IPS) 2019.
  • The first award in the competition held by Wolters Kluwer and the Przegląd Prawa Handlowego journal for the best master’s thesis on commercial law in the 2016/2017 academic year (2018)
  • A Deutsche Telekom award for outstanding educational results in the School of German Law (2017)
  • A scholarship awarded by DAAD and the School of German Law in order to take up the master’s (LL.M.’s) study at the Frederick William University of Bonn (2017)



  • “Czy konsekwencją wyroku TSUE z 19.11.2019 r. w sprawach połączonych C-585/18, C-624/18, C-625/18 powinna być w jakimkolwiek zakresie debata nad pierwszeństwem prawa unijnego przed prawem polskim?” (Should the CJEU judgment of 19 Nov. 2019 in joined cases C-585/18, C-624/18, C-625/18 give rise to any extent to a debate about the prevalence of EU law over Polish law?) (co-authored with advocate Dr hab. Zbigniew Banaszczyk in: “Palestra” no. 5/2020, pp. 142-155, 2020.05)
  • „Nowelizacja Prawa o zgromadzeniach narusza konstytucyjną wolność zgromadzeń i międzynarodowe standardy ochrony praw człowieka” (The amended Law on Assemblies violates the constitutional freedom of assemblies and the international standards of human rights protection) (co-authored with Karolina Wąsowska, FOR communication, FOR)
  • “Przepisy ustawy deweloperskiej, dotyczące prospektów informacyjnych, wymagają natychmiastowej nowelizacji” (The Developer Act provisions applicable to prospectuses require an immediate amendment) (Analysis 7/2014, FOR)



  • German
  • English