Dr Joanna Schubel


Joanna has been advising business entities on corporate issues, transaction projects, and insurance matters.

An attorney-at-law and a doctor of legal sciences, she specializes in company law, commercial law, civil law, and insurance law.

She has been advising international corporations and medium-sized enterprises for years on numerous reorganization projects, transactions of acquisition and sale of shares in companies that were carried out on Polish and German markets, on matters connected with business operations carried out in Poland, and on corporate matters. She represents Clients in corporate disputes.

Joanna also specializes in insurance matters. She advises Polish and foreign insurance sector entities on regulatory issues. She represents corporate Clients, with numerous successes, in multi-million PLN insurance disputes.

Joanna authored numerous publications on company law in Polish and in German. She earned her PhD degree at Heidelberg University for a dissertation concerning Polish law applicable to group companies against legal comparative background.


  • Corporate Law
  • Insurance and insurance disputes
  • German Desk



  • Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University
  • Faculty of Law, Heidelberg University



  • Joanna was recommended in the category Insurance – Legal 500 EMEA in the years 2019-2023



  • Jak zakończyć działalność, Raport prawny “Prosta spółka akcyjna” [How to end business activity, Legal report “Simple Joint-Stock Company”], Rzeczpospolita daily 2021
  • Länderteil Polen in: Jung, Krebs, Stiegler, Gesellschaftsrecht in Europa. Handbuch, 2019
  • Problemy implementacji Compliance w polskiej spółce zależnej z o.o. na tle Kodeksu spółek handlowych [Problems in implementing compliance in a Polish limited liability subsidiary against the background of the Code of Commercial Companies], DPJZ journal 2015 nos. 3-4.



  • English
  • German