Dr Jacek Matarewicz

Of Counsel

Dr Jacek Matarewicz has been supporting our Clients in indirect taxes for over a dozen years.

As a doctor of legal sciences, he is an advocate and a tax advisor. Jacek specializes in goods and services tax (VAT), excise tax, and customs duties. He advises entities from a number of economic sectors, in particular the automotive, real estate, real estate development, financial, and energy industries; his Clients include companies licensed to distribute, trade in, transmit, and generate electric power.

Jacek participates in consolidation processes and tax reviews of Polish largest companies, including reviews of the correctness of VAT settlements. He successfully represents taxpayers in tax proceedings and inspection procedures, also those carried out before administrative courts. He co-operates with Business Centre Club as an expert in VAT, excise tax, and penal fiscal law. He runs training courses for entrepreneurs and advocate trainees.

Jacek authored several hundred publications on taxes and law, including a monograph and commentaries on the VAT Act, Excise Tax Act, and Directive 2006/112/EC.

He is one of the best tax advisors specializing in VAT and excise tax in Poland, which is confirmed by top places he wins every year in prestigious tax rankings.


  • VAT
  • Excise Tax
  • Customs Duty
  • Tax Proceedings



  • Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw
  • Center for American Law Studies, University of Florida



  • Recommended in the “Excise” category of the Tax Advisory Firms of the Rzeczpospolita daily (2023)
  • 1st in Poland in the “Best Advisors – court litigation” category of the 17th Ranking of Tax Firms and Advisors of the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily (2023)
  • Recommended advisor in the category “Taxes” in the Legal500 ranking (2023, 2022)
  • 2nd place in the “Excise Tax” category in the Ranking of Tax Firms and Advisors of the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily (2022)
  • Recommended advisor in the “Excise Tax” category in the Ranking of Tax Advisory Firms of the Rzeczpospolita daily (2022, 2021, 2020)
  • 3rd place in the “Excise Tax” category in the Ranking of Tax Firms and Advisors of the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily (2021)
  • 3rd place in the “VAT” category in the Ranking of Tax Firms and Advisors of the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily (2021)
  • 3rd place in the “Excise Tax” category in the Ranking of Tax Firms and Advisors of the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily (2020)
  • 1st place in the “Excise Tax” category in the Ranking of Tax Advisory Firms of the Rzeczpospolita daily (2019)
  • 1st place in the “VAT” category of the Ranking of Tax Firms and Advisors of the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily (2019)
  • 3rd place in the “Excise Tax” category in the Ranking of Tax Firms and Advisors of the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily (2019)
  • 2nd place in the “Excise Tax” category in the Ranking of Tax Firms and Advisors of the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily (2017)



  • Co-author of the only comprehensive publication on the market ”Tax Compliance” published by Wolters Kluwer (2021)
  • Author of the publication “Ustawa o podatku akcyzowym. Komentarz.” (Excise Tax Act. Commentary) (2020)
  • Co-author of the publication “Przestępstwa karuzelowe i inne oszustwa w VAT” (Carousel Crimes and other VAT Frauds) (2017)